If they are smart enough to build a computer, don't you think they are smart enough to program it to break down two weeks after the warranty runs out?
Anyway, not to complain I am sharing this for a reason. I am now working via the laptop computer. So I can get work done, just a little slower.
But here's the vexing part, I do not want to re-do all my itunes and iphoto stuff to the laptop and then in a week or so have to re-rig all back to the bigtime computer. So, bear with me, I am not planning on uploading any pictures to the laptop. Consequently, I am not getting any new photos here fora bit.
I thought this blog would be boring just writing about my day-to-day activities but at least the photos gave us all something to look at. Now (yawn) I have no idea what to do...
I've got to buy a plane ticket to somewhere soon!!!
Or plan some new home improvement.....
March 6 will forever be imbedded in my head. Not a good day for anything it seems and then your computer goes on the Ides of March? Et tu, Compute?
Well, there was going to be an arbor built over teh "courtyard" this weekend, but now they are forcasting rain. UGH.
My computer also recently tanked. I went and get an Apple computer. My first one...i don't even miss Windows...
I'm amazed considering that I never even used a Mac before.
I hardly post pics on my blog and ppl keep coming back so I don't think it makes much difference.:)
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