This is how I start my day. Toast on the left, coffee to the far right. I like to pretend that my life is easy, breezy. I share the fun stuff, the goofy stuff and the exciting stuff. But rarely do I go boring. Until today.
I've been busy with work (YAWN!).
I'm not complaining. Work pays for a lot of stuff. Okay, it pays for everything. I love our new car Mrs B. and she came after I worked a whole bunch of time to make the money to buy her.
And I still do other stuff. We have half season tickets to the Hollywood Bowl again this summer. We go every other Friday night.
Here's the problem, I got up today all full of good intentions to sit down here and write,
write, a clever blog entry.
Share, share, Cher. I sat down at my work desk and already I was behind. I thought I would just get this one thing done and get back to my blogging. But after emailing that one thing, there was a follow up email, then my email was on, then people knew I was at my desk and well... It's 4:00 and I am just stopping to get a bite of lunch and write this boring blog post.
working on this computer for the last 6 hours, I can't stand to sit here another minute. I have one other thing I planned on doing when I got up this morning, and gosh darn it, I'm gonna get that done too!
It's right here behind me while I've been working all day.
I promised I'd have a nap with Lola and Cooper.