Thursday, December 04, 2008

The Canadians were here.

I've been neglectful. I know. I have this compulsion to account for everything in order and then this happens, that happens and suddenly I feel "behind" and then angry that I have to answer to something that is supposed to be fun. So I rebelled. I took a break.

To remedy my need for exact time-lines I am going to use the word "recent". As in:

Recently we had some friends visiting from Canada. Four of them were actually at my house while I was in Washington State. They were having a good time in West Hollywood at Halloween. Then they got a on a cruise ship bound for Mexico. By the time I saw them they had been "having a good time" for 9 days in a row.

Then we all went out together in West Hollywood...

Early in the evening...

A little later and Paul is starting to feel it.... and not just Jared's chest.

Raise your hand if you'd like a drink!
If you don't raise your hand you're not getting one!

That's better.I'm kidding of course. Everybody gets a drink!

In fact, there will be shots.

This is never a good sign.

My drinky-poo is all gone-gone!

This is my pose for when I am working very hard to hold it together for the camera.

This group has clearly given up on holding it together.

Robb has cleverly hired a seeing eye drunk to guide him home.

Danger ahead! Two down in the parking strip!

Oh no, and a third! Who will guide us back to the hotel now?

This is Quinn's pose that says, "Don't you dare post those photos of me rolling drunk in the street on your blog."

Elevator music brings them all so much joy.

Morgan & Jim strike a pose that Madonna would envy.

Disclaimer: We took a taxi there. We took a taxi home. At no time did anyone in the group lose conscienceness.


Anonymous said...

...At no time did anyone in the group lose conscienceness... So you and your friends didn't sleep?

A Lewis said...

So, what's up with the "mouths open" shots for numerous of you? I can nearly see your vulva...oops, I mean your uvula. And the parking strip boys look like the beginning of a new porn movie.

dit said...

You sure are a handsome bunch who know how to have fun. Great photos.

Michael Guy said...

Apparently I live in a convent.

YOU are always ready for the paparazzi! I was nearly expecting the requisite exposed cootchie shot exiting a limo...

Robb said...

I'm still amazed someone was able to operate the camera!

Rachel V. Olivier said...

I ditto Robb's comment.