Sunday, June 14, 2009


We've surrendered to the inevitability of squirrels eating all the bird seed in the back yard. Instead of filling up the bird feeder every other day, just to watch the squirrels pull the food out with their paws, throw it to the ground, then get down and eat it... we've just put a big bowl of food out for them on the ground.
I think this squirrel looks like he is having a great spa day out on his gracious lounge.


Rachel V. Olivier said...

Daddy! I want a Sekwewel, Daddy! I want one now!

The T-Dude said...

I hear tell that squirrel makes a nice stew...

bardellisgirl said...

thats the life.

Michael Guy said...

I hear DIOR is going big with squirrel for FALL/WINTER 2010...