Sunday, October 04, 2009

Kylie is a National Treasure

I'm flyign home today to see Kylie perform at the Hollywood Bowl. This should hold us all until I come dwon from the clouds.

Kylie's two performances at the closing ceremonies of the Sydney Olympics.

I was lucky enough to see these performances on a live broadcast on Canadian Television at about 3 or 4 in the morning. I sent emails out to everyone I knew telling them how cool it was to see all of Australia represented in various floats and costumes circling the track inside the stadium. Especially great was the entire "Priscilla, Queen of the Desert" section featuring all the drag queens in costume and Kylie singing.

Watching it later that night on U.S. television, the song was chopped severely short and there was no showing or mention of the Priscilla float of costumes. U.S. television broadcasters SUCK.

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